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Error handling · Floating point · Quantities · Chemical elements · Mixed unit conversion · Temperature conversion · Color format conversion

Error handling

Defined in: core::error


Throw an error with the specified message. Stops the execution of the program.

fn error<T>(message: String) -> T

Floating point

Defined in: core::numbers


Returns true if the input is NaN. More information here.

fn is_nan<T: Dim>(n: T) -> Bool


Returns true if the input is positive infinity or negative infinity. More information here.

fn is_infinite<T: Dim>(n: T) -> Bool


Returns true if the input is neither infinite nor NaN.

fn is_finite<T: Dim>(n: T) -> Bool


Defined in: core::quantities


Extract the unit of a quantity (the km/h in 20 km/h). This can be useful in generic code, but should generally be avoided otherwise.

fn unit_of<T: Dim>(x: T) -> T


Extract the plain value of a quantity (the 20 in 20 km/h). This can be useful in generic code, but should generally be avoided otherwise.

fn value_of<T: Dim>(x: T) -> Scalar

Chemical elements

Defined in: chemistry::elements

element (Chemical element)

Get properties of a chemical element by its symbol or name (case-insensitive). For example: element("H") or element("hydrogen").

fn element(pattern: String) -> ChemicalElement

Mixed unit conversion

Defined in: units::mixed

DMS (Degrees, minutes, seconds)

Convert an angle to a mixed degrees, (arc)minutes, and (arc)seconds representation. Also called sexagesimal degree notation. More information here.

fn DMS(alpha: Angle) -> String

DM (Degrees, decimal minutes)

Convert an angle to a mixed degrees and decimal minutes representation. More information here.

fn DM(alpha: Angle) -> String

feet_and_inches (Feet and inches)

Convert a length to a mixed feet and inches representation. More information here.

fn feet_and_inches(length: Length) -> String

pounds_and_ounces (Pounds and ounces)

Convert a mass to a mixed pounds and ounces representation. More information here.

fn pounds_and_ounces(mass: Mass) -> String

Temperature conversion

Defined in: physics::temperature_conversion


Converts from degree Celsius (°C) to Kelvin. More information here.

fn from_celsius(t_celsius: Scalar) -> Temperature


Converts from Kelvin to degree Celcius (°C). This can be used on the right hand side of a conversion operator: 200 K -> celsius. More information here.

fn celsius(t_kelvin: Temperature) -> Scalar


Converts from degree Fahrenheit (°F) to Kelvin. More information here.

fn from_fahrenheit(t_fahrenheit: Scalar) -> Temperature


Converts from Kelvin to degree Fahrenheit (°F). This can be used on the right hand side of a conversion operator: 200 K -> fahrenheit. More information here.

fn fahrenheit(t_kelvin: Temperature) -> Scalar

Color format conversion

Defined in: extra::color


Create a Color from RGB (red, green, blue) values in the range \( [0, 256) \).

fn rgb(red: Scalar, green: Scalar, blue: Scalar) -> Color


Create a Color from a (hexadecimal) value, e.g. color(0xff7700).

fn color(rgb_hex: Scalar) -> Color


Convert a color to its RGB representation, e.g. cyan -> color_rgb.

fn color_rgb(color: Color) -> String


Convert a color to its RGB floating point representation, e.g. cyan -> color_rgb_float.

fn color_rgb_float(color: Color) -> String


Convert a color to its hexadecimal representation, e.g. rgb(225, 36, 143) -> color_hex.

fn color_hex(color: Color) -> String