Date and time

See this page for a general introduction to date and time handling in Numbat.

Defined in: datetime::functions, datetime::human


Returns the current date and time.

fn now() -> DateTime


Parses a string (date and time) into a DateTime object. See here for an overview of the supported formats.

fn datetime(input: String) -> DateTime


Formats a DateTime object as a string.

fn format_datetime(format: String, input: DateTime) -> String


Returns the users local timezone.

fn get_local_timezone() -> String


Returns a timezone conversion function, typically used with the conversion operator.

fn tz(tz: String) -> Fn[(DateTime) -> DateTime]


Converts a DateTime to a UNIX timestamp. Can be used on the right hand side of a conversion operator: now() -> unixtime.

fn unixtime(input: DateTime) -> Scalar


Converts a UNIX timestamp to a DateTime object.

fn from_unixtime(input: Scalar) -> DateTime


Returns the current date at midnight (in the local time).

fn today() -> DateTime


Parses a string (only date) into a DateTime object.

fn date(input: String) -> DateTime


Parses a string (time only) into a DateTime object.

fn time(input: String) -> DateTime


Adds the given time span to a DateTime. This uses leap-year and DST-aware calendar arithmetic with variable-length days, months, and years.

fn calendar_add(dt: DateTime, span: Time) -> DateTime


Subtract the given time span from a DateTime. This uses leap-year and DST-aware calendar arithmetic with variable-length days, months, and years.

fn calendar_sub(dt: DateTime, span: Time) -> DateTime


Get the day of the week from a given DateTime.

fn weekday(dt: DateTime) -> String

julian_date (Julian date)

Convert a DateTime to a Julian date, the number of days since the origin of the Julian date system (noon on November 24, 4714 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar). More information here.

fn julian_date(dt: DateTime) -> Time

human (Human-readable time duration)

Converts a time duration to a human-readable string in days, hours, minutes and seconds. More information here.

fn human(time: Time) -> String