
Packaging status



… and other Debian-based Linux distributions.

Download the latest .deb package from the release page and install it via dpkg. For example:

curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i numbat_1.14.0_amd64.deb

Alternatively, if you want automatic updates, you can use a community-maintained Numbat PPA. The PPA only hosts packages for the amd64/x86_64 architecture.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/numbat
sudo apt update
sudo apt install numbat

Arch Linux

In Arch Linux and Arch based distributions, you can install the prebuilt package of Numbat from the AUR for the x86_64 architecture:

yay -S numbat-bin

You can also install the numbat AUR package, which will download the source and compile it. It works on all architectures.

yay -S numbat

Void Linux

You can install the numbat package using

sudo xbps-install -S numbat

Chimera Linux

Chimera Linux has a numbat package in its contrib repo. Enable it if you haven’t already, then install numbat:

doas apk add numbat



You can install Numbat with Homebrew:

brew install numbat



You can install the numbat package using scoop:

scoop install main/numbat


… or any distribution where Nix is installed.

Install numbat to your profile:

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.numbat

Or add it to your NixOS Configuration:

environment.systemPackages = [

From pre-built binaries

Download the latest release for your system from this page. Unpack the archive and place the numbat/numbat.exe binary in a folder that is on your PATH.

Note that the modules folder that is included in the archives is not strictly required to run Numbat. It serves more as a reference for interested users. However, if you want to get the best possible experience or if you are a package maintainer, please follow these guidelines.

From source

Clone the Git repository, and build Numbat with cargo:

git clone
cd numbat/
cargo install -f --path numbat-cli

Or install the latest release using

cargo install numbat-cli

Guidelines for package maintainers

Thank you for packaging Numbat! This section contains instructions that are not strictly necessary to create a Numbat package, but provide users with the best-possible experience on your target platform.

Numbat has a standard library that is written in Numbat itself. The sources for this so called “prelude” are available in the numbat/modules folder. We also include this modules folder in the pre-built GitHub releases. Installing this folder as part of the package installation is not necessary for Numbat to work, as the prelude is also stored inside the numbat binary. But ideally, this folder should be made available for users. There are three reasons for this:

  • Users might want to look at the code in the standard library to get a better understanding of the language itself.
  • For some error messages, Numbat refers to locations in the source code. For example, if you type let meter = 2, the compiler will let you know that this identifier is already in use, and has been previously defined at a certain location inside the standard library. If the corresponding module is available as a file on the users system, they will see the proper path and can read the corresponding file.
  • Users might want to make changes to the prelude. Ideally, this should be done via a user module folder, but the system-wide folder can serve as a template.

In order for this to work, the modules folder should ideally be placed in the standard location for the target operating system. If this is not possible, package maintainers can customize numbat during compilation by setting the environment variable NUMBAT_SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH to the final locatiom. If this variable is set during compilation, the specified path will be compiled into the numbat binary.

In order to test that everything is working as intended, you can open numbat and type let meter = 2. The path in the error message should point to the specified location (and not to <builtin>/…).

If your OS uses .desktop files, you should probably also install:

  • assets/numbat.desktop (typically to /usr/share/applications)
  • assets/numbat.svg (typically to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps)
  • assets/numbat-*x*.png (typically to e.g. /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps, depending on each icon’s size)

This allows users to e.g. pin Numbat to GNOME’s Dash.