Number notation

Numbers in Numbat can be written in the following forms:

  • Integer notation
    • 12345
    • 12_345 — with decimal separators
  • Floating point notation
    • 0.234
    • .234 — without the leading zero
  • Scientific notation
    • 1.234e15
    • 1.234e+15
    • 1e-9
    • 1.0e-9
  • Non-decimal bases notation
    • 0x2A — Hexadecimal
    • 0o52 — Octal
    • 0b101010 — Binary
  • Non-finite numbers
    • NaN — Not a number
    • inf — Infinity

Convert numbers to other bases

You can use the bin, oct, dec and hex functions to convert numbers to binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal bases, respectively. You can call those using hex(2^16 - 1), or 2^16 - 1 // hex, but they are also available as targets of the conversion operator ->/to, so you can write expressions like:


0xffee to bin
42 to oct
2^16 - 1 to hex

You can also use base(b) to convert a number to base b:

0xffee to base(2)